Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bucket List

1. Do a snow angel in shorts and a tank top
2. Graduate high school by 12th grade
3. Go to California and watch a 4D movie
4. Wear my clothes inside out and act like nothing's wrong
5. Have fun in a lycra tube
6. Be loud for one day because I'm quiet
7. Try gymnastics
8. Be encouraging as a parent
9. Donate money to cancer patients
10. Learn some german
11. Try to stop biting my nails
12. Make a birthday party
13. Volunteer for American Cancer Society
14. Be social
15. Go hike up Mt. Mckinley
16. Explore
17. Fly in a hot air balloon or go skydiving and don't die
18. Own a pet cat or dog
19. Go on a zipline
20. Visit the Eifle tower
21. Visit all of the states in the U.S.
22. Experience weightlessness
23. Be on television
24. Talk in a British accent all day
25. Be twins with someone for one day
26. Learn how to draw a person
27. Go moose hunting in Alaska and shoot a moose
28. Go deer hunting in Minnesota and shoot a deer
29. Get my driver's license by 16 years of age
30. Prank call someone and talk in a country accent
31. Go out in public with a mustache and beard made out of black eyeliner
32. Go 24 hours without eating and just drinking
33. Wear a jacket or sweater for one day when it's warm outside
34. Try to be an actress
35. Learn how to cook
36. Try to make a popular video on youtube
37. Get a manicure or pedicure
38. Laugh so hard, I cry
39. Learn how to do awesome dance moves
40. Grow my hair out almost all the way to my butt
41. Eat mushrooms and actually like it
42. Watch a really scary movie
43. Go to a tropical beach in California of Florida
44. Learn how to swim better
45. Learn a cool new song on the piano
46. Take a family trip somewhere exciting
47. Watch the next two Hunger Games
48. Go visit Germany
49. Horse back ride in Hawii
50. Finish my bucket list

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