Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Bucket List essay

Victoria Rahm
September 26, 2012
Ms. Carton
Bucket List
Eight Spectacular things on my Bucket List
                "Many of life's failures are people who had not realized how close they were to success when they gave up."-Thomas Edison. This quote tells me to never give up on anything that I want to achieve because I can achieve anything  and I believe in myself, so that's why I created a bucket list. I have 50 things on my bucket list that I would like to do before I “kick the bucket.” These ones are my top eight. I want to start my bucket list where I live so my first thing I would like to do is hike Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in Alaska. When in Alaska, I want to experience going on a zip line. Still in Alaska I want to see the beautiful view below of the Alaskan wilderness in a hot air balloon. After that I will travel out of Alaska and visit all of the states in the United States. While visiting all of the states in the U.S. I want to go to Universal Studios in California and watch a 4D movie. I am interested in experiencing weightlessness in Florida without going in space. Once I've visited all of the states in the U.S., seen a 4D movie, and experienced weightlessness, I want to go to Europe and visit the Eiffel tower, and explore my ancestry in Germany. These are places and adventures that I will experience all around the U. S. and in Europe.
                As Americans we often limit ourselves to the simplest things in life because we think that we will fail or because we are lazy. We should evolve and change because we want to make a difference in this world or we want to learn new things and have exciting adventures. One of my exciting adventures is to hike Mt. McKinley, the highest peak in Alaska because I love to go out and get some fresh air and even though it can be hard work, it's worth seeing the view.  Some possible challenges could be that the mountain is too steep to hike, I forgot water or snacks, there could be a landslide, or an earthquake. I don’t want to die when only doing one of the first things on my bucket list. I usually hike mountains in the summer so there’s no school and it’s warm. I would love experience the beautiful views of the land below, and then tell everyone about it. My plan is to bring food, water, friends and/or family to go keep  me some company. To prepare for this I will walk a lot and try to get in shape, get healthy snacks, water and wear hiking shoes so my feet can be comfortable. I will to take plenty of pictures to put in my scrapbook. People might look at the pictures and think I’m adventurous for hiking the highest peak in Alaska. They may decide they want to be adventurous and start hiking.
                  I want to go on a zip line because it I've seen other people zip line and decided that I wanted to be one of those people to experience it too. Some challenges could be that I don't have enough money, no one will go with me, no transportation, or something bad happens with the zip line. I don’t want to get hurt or die with only my second item on my bucket list. I want to do this during summer when it is warm because I don’t want to freeze to death. As a result, my friends or family might want to do it too. I might like it so much that I want experience the zip line again. My plan is to find out where the location is and get equipment if needed. To get ready for this I can follow a map or G.P.S. and bring a camera of coarse to take pictures. To complete this I will go to the right place(and not get lost!!!), make sure the owner knows that I'm coming, have fun. Friends might think I'm awesome, crazy, or exciting. My ultimate goal is to have fun, not fail, be adventurous and possibly inspire other people too.
 I’ve always wanted to go on a hot air balloon because I want to fly another way besides by airplane, feel the fresh air and see the beauty below. Possible challenges include not knowing where to find a person to give me a ride or getting lost as we drift through the air. I want to do this in the summer when the air fells energizing and warm. My plan is to find a person, place, time, and ways to achieve riding in the hot air balloon. To prepare I will call the person who owns the balloon and make sure everything’s ready to go, find out location, and how to prepare for my ride. If I tell people about it, I might motivate them to go on a hot air balloon too. My goal is to have fun, come back alive, and tell people how awesome riding in a hot air balloon will be.
                Going out of Alaska I want to visit all of the states in the U. S. because I want to experience what it's like to live in different parts of the country and experience other people’s society. My dad was talking about going on a trip to visit some other states, like maybe some of the southern states. I do NOT want the vehicle to have problems (running out of gas),  we forgot passports if we go through Canada, forget the G.P.S. , or we don't have directions. For me, it doesn't really matter when I visit states. I don't have to visit them all at once. I would probably do it when I don't have school, so in the summer probably. Or we could go to some warm places during Christmas Break. After visiting all of the states, I will have some knowledge about all of them. My plan is to pack the right clothes according to the weather and try to go when there is no snow. I am going to bring a camera(yes again, more pics for my scrapbook), make sure I have enough clothes, snacks are packed,(I don’t want to starve before I even get there), and have passports if needed. I will get lots of souvenirs, maybe even some for my family or friends.
                   While traveling in the U.S. I want to visit Universal Studios in California and watch a 4D movie.  A 4D movie is a movie where it feels like you are taking part in it by using all of your senses instead of just using your eyes and ears. I want to do this because I've only seen 2D movies and 3D movies. My dad told me about how awesome the 4D movie, “Shrek” was, so I decided that I want to see one too. I wouldn’t want it to be to expensive, too scary, the power goes out, or we can't find the location. I would want to go during the summer because it will be nice and warm outside. After it happens, I will tell everybody about how excellent it will be. My plan is to buy tickets and pack. To prepare, I will bring a camera, yep again and pack clothes. After I watch a 4D movie I will tell people about my experience and consider doing it in the future.                 
             Going east, I want to go to Florida and experience weightlessness without going in space. I want to do this because I've always wanted to see what it's like to float around everywhere. Florida is one of the only states that lets you experience zero gravity flights. I've seen it in movies, TV, pictures, and in my dreams ( Where I've floated in mid air) so I want to do it for real. Challenges could be that it's too expensive, no one wants to go with me, I get lost and don't know where to go. I want to do it when I'm older and have enough money. My plan is to buy a ticket if needed, find someone to go with me, find out location, and get equipment if I have to. I will try to take pictures. People might think I’m memorable, unforgettable, or unique.           
               Once I’m done exploring in the U.S., I want to go out of the country into Europe and visit Germany because I want to explore my ancestry. My mom went there when she was in High School. She showed me her scrapbook and I saw all of the cool pictures, and I decided that I want to visit Germany too. Possible challenges could be that I don't have enough money, nobody wants to go with me, and I could get lost. I want to go when I'm older so I know some German and I have enough money. My plan is to buy a plane ticket, pack, and get family or friends to go with so I can enjoy this with someone I know. I will learn some German, get the right clothes, and bring extra spending money for souvenirs.
 Going west, I want to visit the Eiffel tower in Paris, France because it seems like a beautiful place to visit. I've seen how elegant it is and decided that I want to go there. Possible challenges could be that I don't have enough money, nobody wants to go with me, and I could get lost. I want to do this when I don't have school or work(if I have a job). After I visit the Eiffel tower, I will tell everyone and they might want to go there too. My plan is to take friends and/or family with, stay for a few weeks, take plenty of pictures and have fun. To prepare, I will pack stuff that I need like clothes, snacks, and extra spending money for souvenirs. People might think I'm adventurous or exciting.
People become successful when they reach their goal. The measurement of success is when you either go to the top and complete your goal or you stay at the bottom and don’t complete your goal. I want to complete my goal, so I am going to do all of these exciting and adventurous activities before I “kick the bucket”.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My bucket List poster& Who I am and who I want to be

Attack of the 15

3. Go to California and watch a 4D movie

I want to watch a 4D movie because my dad watched one and said that it was pretty neat so I want to go see one because it seems pretty cool and exciting.

7. Try gymnastics

I don't want to be a professional, but I would at least want to learn some. I've always wanted to do when I was younger. I practice cartwheels and handstands sometimes.

10. Learn some German

If I am going to go to Germany I want to at least know a little bit of german and I think it's kinda cool to learn and speak a foreign language.

12. Make a birthday party
I want to host a birthday party because I think it would be a fun experience.

15. Go hike up Mt. Mckinley
I don't plan to hike up all the way to the top, but just to have the chance to climb.

16. Explore
I've always wondered who my ancestors are so I think this would be a great website to explore.

19. Go on a zipline
I've seen people do it on t.v., seen it on magazine and think that it looks really fun to do.

21. Visit all of the states in the U.S.

I want to visit all of the states in the U.S. because I want to see what it is like to live in different places in the U.S. and what they experience(their culture).

22. Experience weightlessness

I don't have to go to space but I just want the feeling to float in mid air with zero gravity and I just want to float around.

23. Be on television
I don't have to be a celebrity or anything but it would be cool to be famous.

26. Learn how to draw a person
I'm not the best at drawing, so I want to draw a realistic person.

34. Try to be an actress/ acting
I want to at least take a class or something and try acting because it would be a neat experience.

35. Learn how to cook

I want to learn how to cook because I want to be able to cook for myself and other people.

39. Learn how to do awesome dance moves
I like to dance with my cousin so I want to learn some new dance moves.

45. Learn a cool new song on the piano  
Usually I learn songs on the piano from Hailey so I want to learn a new one and show her.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Bucket List

1. Do a snow angel in shorts and a tank top
2. Graduate high school by 12th grade
3. Go to California and watch a 4D movie
4. Wear my clothes inside out and act like nothing's wrong
5. Have fun in a lycra tube
6. Be loud for one day because I'm quiet
7. Try gymnastics
8. Be encouraging as a parent
9. Donate money to cancer patients
10. Learn some german
11. Try to stop biting my nails
12. Make a birthday party
13. Volunteer for American Cancer Society
14. Be social
15. Go hike up Mt. Mckinley
16. Explore
17. Fly in a hot air balloon or go skydiving and don't die
18. Own a pet cat or dog
19. Go on a zipline
20. Visit the Eifle tower
21. Visit all of the states in the U.S.
22. Experience weightlessness
23. Be on television
24. Talk in a British accent all day
25. Be twins with someone for one day
26. Learn how to draw a person
27. Go moose hunting in Alaska and shoot a moose
28. Go deer hunting in Minnesota and shoot a deer
29. Get my driver's license by 16 years of age
30. Prank call someone and talk in a country accent
31. Go out in public with a mustache and beard made out of black eyeliner
32. Go 24 hours without eating and just drinking
33. Wear a jacket or sweater for one day when it's warm outside
34. Try to be an actress
35. Learn how to cook
36. Try to make a popular video on youtube
37. Get a manicure or pedicure
38. Laugh so hard, I cry
39. Learn how to do awesome dance moves
40. Grow my hair out almost all the way to my butt
41. Eat mushrooms and actually like it
42. Watch a really scary movie
43. Go to a tropical beach in California of Florida
44. Learn how to swim better
45. Learn a cool new song on the piano
46. Take a family trip somewhere exciting
47. Watch the next two Hunger Games
48. Go visit Germany
49. Horse back ride in Hawii
50. Finish my bucket list

Culture Standard

1. What is your culture? Meaning…what is your family heritage, what are those things unique to your family? (things that make your family unique….Traditions? Habits? Events?)
I don't really know a lot, but I do know that my ancesesters were french and polish. My last would of been Rame instead of Rahm. It changed to Rahm because the Germans won a  war or something like that and my Grandpa doesn't like being called french. Every summer it's kind of a tradition to go to Minnesota and visit our family and have have fun.

2. What are 3 things you can include on your bucket list that celebrate YOUR culture, either in your family or heritage?
1.We could go on an exciting family trip together.
2.We could find other family members that we haven't met.
3.We could have like a family reunion.

3. How will these 3 events build relationships within your culture? 
How will they make your life stronger/better as a result of doing them? We will be able to connect more and learn more about our family. It will make our life better by building relationships and connecting.

4. What are things that are unique to your generation (which is considered your pop culture/environmental culture) that YOU are a part of?
In my generation, we have lots of technology like computers, ipods, ipads, nintendo ds's, wii's, exboxes, ect.

5. What 2 things can you add to your bucket list that are unique to your generational culture? Why, SPECIFICALLY, are you choosing these things?
1. Try not to go on facebook for a week. That relates to our generation because we have a lot of technology.
2. Try not to go on any electronical games for a week. This also relates to our generation because it has to do with technology.

6. Where you live and are raised is a part of your culture. What 2 things can you add to your bucket list that EMBRACE your Alaskan culture? Why, specifically, did you pick these two things?
1.I can go hunting 
2. I can go fishing
I picked these two things because you can do them in Alaska.

7. Give two things to your bucket list where you celebrate/experience someone else’s culture?
I want to go to Paris and see the Eifle tower and go to a tropical beach in California of Florida.

8. Why did you choose these two things for your bucket list?
I picked these two things for my bucket list because Paris seems like a beautiful place to visit. I picked a beach in California or Florida because I want to go to a warm place and it also seems like a nice place to visit.
9. Why is it important to do #7?
It is important to do #7 because it is exciting and neat to see different cultures.

10. How will all these cultural area experiences add to your life? Why is culture and cultural experiences important? 
These cultural experiences make you more well rounded.